Chase Leushner


An accomplished Office Operations Manager with over a decade of experience in administration, Chase has a passion for solving problems and finding inefficiencies.  He is a creative and critical thinker with a talent for project management, logistics and process improvement; specifically, when it comes to technological solutions.

Chase understands the importance of creating an inclusive and diverse workplace and has implemented strategies that foster a culture of equity, respect, and inclusion. He is well-versed in identifying and addressing unconscious biases and is committed to creating a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected.

He has honed his skills across diverse industries including game development, performance consulting, construction, legal, and logistics.

At Synclusiv, Chase oversees office operations and is responsible for the day-to-day administrative duties.

Chase excels at identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing effective solutions. He is dedicated to achieving the highest level of performance in all his endeavors and is committed to delivering exceptional results.

When he’s not at work, Chase spends most of his time with his family, and enjoys hiking, engineering, economics, reading, learning, gaming, and camping.

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